
Every few months, a group of friends meet in Bristol to eat and drink together. On and off, this has been happening for ten years or so. Each time the group's preferred time and place is deterministically decided by a single online poll. The pandemic put a stop to the meals, but we'll be meeting together again in 2024, in April, June, August and October.

This is roughly how the process runs:

If you already know one of us, you can join a low-traffic, announcement-only mailing list to receive notification of upcoming polls and meals. Alternatively, you can subscribe to the Atom feed, where notifications will appear too.

August 2024 poll

The list of venues appearing in the next poll is currently as follows:

For each venue, the nearest rail station is shown. If the venue is not also a pub, the nearest good pub is suggested as a default pre-meal meeting point if it's within one kilometre of the restaurant. The interest level shown is just the proportion of participants who expressed an interest in going next time. For context, the z-score is computed on the basis of a venue's interest level compared to those of the population of all venues.

Past meals

Recent updates

1 July 2024 ยท August 2024 meal

The poll for the August 2024 meal is open and will run until Monday 8th.

13 May 2024 ยท June 2024 meal

The poll for the June 2024 meal is open and will run until Wednesday lunchtime.